Minggu, 29 Maret 2009


syapa yang paling kamu sayangi di dunia ini??
Jawab,ya....Nanti aq ksih jawabannya....

f.Yang lain....(Tulis sendiri)

Jawab lewat comment,ya...

WHEN YOU'RE GONE-Avril Lavigne

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd,Need you there when cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone the pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone the face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone the words I need to hear
to always get me through the day
and make it ok..I miss you..

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do,reminds me of you
And the clothes you left,they lie on the floor
and they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone the pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone the face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone the words I need to hear
to always get me through the day
and make it ok..I miss you..

We were made for each other
Out here forever...
I know we were..

All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe and I need to feel you here with me...

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone the pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone the face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone the words I need to hear
will always get me through the day
and make it ok..I miss you..

Ku persembahkan untuk:Huriah Emelia Hastuti


Hellow....Ktemu lagi di blog aq yang ke dua,yaitu tentang Orang yang kita cintai...Kalau mau tahu gmana Blog aq yang pertama,liat aja di My Favorite Links,trus klik blog aq yang lainnya.

By the way...

Apa kalian punya tanaman atau pepohonan dirumah kalian?Kalau punya,alhamdulillah...Kalau nggak,tanam,dong...Cara nya,kalau mau di pot, ini dia:

-Pot tanaman
-Bibit/Tumbuhan yang sudah jadi

-Taruh tanah setengah bagian Pot kedalam Pot
-Lalu Masukkan Bibit atau tanaman yang sudah jadi itu
-Timbun dengan tanah dan Kompos /pupuk
-Ratakan dengan tangan yang dilapisi plastik
-Taruhlah di halaman rumah mu supaya rumah mu terlihat indah,kalau perlu tanam lebih banyak lagi dan jangan lupa siramlah dengan rajin supaya tumbuh dengan subur

Dan...Ini dia kalau mau tanpa pot:

-Bibit/Pohon yang sudah jadi

-Gali tanah dengan cangkul sedalam kira-kira 30 CM
-Taruh bibit/Tanaman yang sudah jadi tersebut
-Tutup kembali dengan tanah dan kompos/pupuk
-Siram setiap hari supaya menjadi rindang dan rumahmu pun menjadi hijau dan sejuk...

Selamat Mencoba